Impresionante disfraz grupal de bricolaje: Matryoshka / Muñecas rusas anidadas

Coolest Homemade Costumes

Matryoshka/Matrioshka rusa/Muñecas Babushki

Costo total: $200 ($40 por persona)

Materiales: goma espuma, tela roja y amarilla, rosas rojas y amarillas, banda elástica, pinturas acrílicas. Necesitarás una máquina de coser e hilo.

Tiempo total: 3 días (basado en la producción de una persona)

Inspiración y pasos en detalle (créanme, ¡parece más complicado de lo que realmente es!):

La inspiración para nuestro disfraz grupal hecho en casa en realidad vino de nosotras, las chicas. Verá, todos somos de diferentes alturas y tamaños de ropa, sin mencionar que somos de 4 países diferentes; Irlanda, Inglaterra, Escocia y América. Somos algo similares: 5 chicas expatriadas que viven en Sydney que AMAN HALLOWEEN, pero son muy diferentes en tamaño. Y luego, el pensamiento me vino a la cabeza cuando pasé junto a una valla publicitaria con una muñeca matryoshka: son del mismo color, cabello y caras, pero diferentes en tamaño, ¡eso sería perfecto para nosotros!

¡Todas las niñas! muñecas matrioskas

Mientras investigaba las muñecas matryoshka, me encontré con una vieja leyenda/cuento de hadas que, de hecho, trataba sobre una abuela, una madre y unas hermanas que corrieron hacia su hermana pequeña en un momento difícil y la abrazaron con tanta fuerza que todos se convirtieron en uno. Estas cinco chicas con este disfraz tienen veintitantos años y dejan su tierra natal y su familia para empezar de nuevo. Dependemos unos de otros para recibir apoyo, crecimos juntos y entendemos las dificultades de los demás. Somos una familia que se ama y por lo tanto es una parte integral del bienestar de los demás. Y al igual que las muñecas que anidan, nos convertimos en uno.

[But the best part of this costume was not only how incredibly happy it made my 4 girlfriends, but to have everyone knew exactly what we were! Tons of people shouted words of approval and bombarded us for photos- especially a group of Russian expatriates who were thrilled at the idea and nostalgia it brought them! Making other people happy made the effort and time put into the costume worth it.

Then the process started with a sketch and a yard and a half of thin/cheap foam from Clark rubber (Australia). A template was made and the girls were fitted in the foam and re cut.

sketch of costume

(If you’re making this costume in the US, you can buy large colored foam sheets at select craft stores. This will actually be cheaper and easier for you to accomplish the same look as you can completely skip the fabric covering step and go right to sewing and painting).

I then bought the cheapest red and yellow fabric – as the foam I purchased was white-and used spray adhesive to attach it to the foam- mostly to make sure it would stay in perfect place for sewing. Once all of them were covered and dry they were quickly run through the sewing machine on a regular stitch. The back skirts were attached and small darts/cutouts were put in. This was so that the costume could fit up over the hips and then be buttoned for a more form-fitting look.

sewing away
back of costume with cutouts for buttons on skirt
close up of buttons

Once all the dolls were stitched up the cream background was painted on with acrylic paint. Once dried over night, the base colors were added for flowers and leaves. Once the 5th doll had its base colors the 1st one would already be dry enough to start outlining. Once dry over night, elastic was added to the face cutouts and buttons were sewn on.

base colours painted on

It really is simple, the paint drying took more time then the sewing and cutting. The most important part of the Matryoshka/Russian Nesting Dolls is to make sure you get the heights right, which is easily adjusted with heels!

en route to party/Makeup

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